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根據香港《稅務條例》,每名在香港經營某行業、專業或業務的人,須就其入息及開支以英文或中文備存足夠的記錄,以便其應評稅利潤易於確定。而該等紀錄須保留為期最少7年。再者,按月會計入帳及編制財務報表對股東及/或管理人員極為重要。 In accordance with the Inland Revenue Ordinance, every person carrying on a trade, profession or business in Hong Kong is required to keep sufficient records in English or Chinese language of his income and expenditure to enable the assessable profits to be readily ascertained. Such records shall be retained for a period of not less than 7 years. In addition, monthly accounting entries or bookkeeping and preparation of financial reports are imperative to the shareholders and / or the management (“internal users”) because of the following benefits to the internal users

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稅務支出是任何商業交易及投資決定均須深入考慮及留意的事項。有效及合法的稅務計劃能為客戶節省龐大稅務支出,從而適當地保持現金流及提升企業在市場的競爭力。 Tax expenses are indispensable factors in business transaction or investment decisions. An effective and legitimate tax model leads to significant tax savings and therefore, improves the cash flows of the company and increases its competitive.

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根據香港《公司條例》,在香港註冊成立的有限公司,必須按財政年度審核財務報表。我們安排的專業審計人員曾為各行各業的企業服務,經驗豐富。他們不但能為貴 公司提供清晣全面的財務資訊外,亦能建議公司業務流程、內部控制等建議,使貴 公司達致長遠發展的目標。 According to the Companies Ordinance, the limited companies incorporated in HK are required to have statutory audit on the financial statements for the financial year. In additional, the audited financial statements (“audited report”) by referring a chartered accountant with a practising certificate issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) bring the following benefits to the shareholders, investors and management.

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融匯專業咨詢有限公司自2016年起致力為客戶提供包括會計、稅務、企業服務、管理咨詢及財務咨詢等一系列高品質的服務,在這瞬息萬變之社會裡,我們不停地更新及改進自己,以便客戶在遇到問題時能提供最優質之解決方案。 客戶包括:電子商貿、跨境電商、貿易、資訊科技、軟件開發、美容服務、飲食業、金融投資持牌公司、放貸及找換店持牌公司、物業管理、裝修工程、律師及投資控股公司等。 我們的理念:憑著多年之豐富經驗,多名註冊會計師及註冊秘書牌照專業人士,加上誠懇之服務態度,定能為客戶提供最完善之服務。在商業、稅務及融資等瞬息萬變的世界中來滿足顧客的要求。

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